Conference Partners

Early winter at Williams Harbour, Labrador.
(larger version)
The conference was made possible through the support and commitment of the following partners:
Nordic Atlantic Co-operation (NORA): North Atlantic Cooperation is an extension of the Westnordic Cooperation established by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The Co-operation aims at improving the framework and conditions for industry, trade and development in the North Atlantic Region. This is carried out by supporting innovative processes, networking, research and industry cooperation.
SmartLabrador/Labrador IT Initiative: SmartLabrador/Labrador IT Initiative is an incorporated, not-for-profit organization that reflects a cooperative development strategy of the five economic development corporations of Labrador. The Labrador IT Initiative was founded in 1997 with a mandate to lead the transition of Labrador communities into the knowledge economy. Its role is to ensure effective utilization of information technologies in business, human resource and community economic development.
Harris Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland: The Harris Centre co-ordinates and facilitates Memorial University's educational, research and outreach activities in the areas of regional policy and development. The Centre works with all faculties and departments within the University and serves as a reliable point of access for all stakeholders seeking to work with the University in activities related to regional policy and development.
Parks Canada: Parks Canada is an agency of the Government of Canada. Its mandate is to "...protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure their ecological and commemorative integrity for present and future generations."
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA): ACOA is an agency of the Government of Canada. Its goal is to improve the economy of Atlantic Canadian communities through the successful development of business and job opportunities.
Department of Industry, Trade and Rural Development (DITRD): DITRD is a department of the provincial Government of Newfoundland & Labrador. Its mandate is to "foster and promote economic development by encouraging investment, promoting strategic opportunities, and maximizing business and employment growth in all regions of the province."